Aging homes will experience several problems including settlement cracks, drywall damage, and wear and tear. This is inevitable as older materials will eventually need to be replaced. Drywall is vulnerable to cracks, dents, and holes. Minor problems can be fixed easily using drywall joint compound and a little sanding and painting. Major cracks and wear and tear issues however will require professional help.
Older homes contain different materials, and a professional drywall repair specialist will know what to do. They will assess the severity of the settlement cracks and will inspect the damage. They will then proceed with the necessary repairs according to this information.
Minor drywall dents and tiny holes can be filled with lightweight spackle. Use your finger or a putty knife and make sure the spackle completely fills the dent or hole and is level with the rest of the wall. Let the spackle dry for 15 to 30 minutes and use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand the area smooth once it is dry. Brush away any debris and touch up the paint.
Larger holes and severe drywall cracks will require professional assistance. They will use the right tools and equipment to complete the repairs safely and properly. Skill and expertise are required, especially in older homes, and you should not attempt a DIY project if you lack experience.
Settlement cracks must be addressed right away. There are two types of house settling cracks including structural cracks which are a serious problem. These cracks pose a threat to your homes structural integrity and if they are ignored, they can lead to more serious issues like leaning and even collapsed foundation walls. Additionally, these kinds of cracks may allow water to seep into your basement which can lead to mold growth, dry rot, and health issues.
Structural cracks can run horizontally across your foundation wall or there may be multiple vertical cracks that run parallel to each other. These cracks can run diagonally at the corners of your foundation walls on both sides or, the cracks can run across your ceiling and down your walls.
Non-structural cracks on the other hand do not pose an immediate threat to your home’s structural integrity. However, these cracks must be monitored to ensure they do not grow any larger. Non-structural cracks don’t change in size and are isolated vertical cracks that run from the top of your foundation wall down to the bottom.
Expert Repairs
Professional drywall and foundation crack repairs are highly recommended, especially if you live in an older home. Many of these projects require specific tools and expertise to prevent the problem from returning. Additionally, professional repair technicians will provide you with permanent solutions instead of a temporary fix.
They will protect your home from future damage and will ensure the property is safe.
Reinforce Your Home with APL Restoration
If you need professional drywall repairs, APL Restoration will provide you with expert drywall repair services. We serve customers in Vancouver and offer several services including flooring installation, water damage restoration, fire damage restoration. Contact us today to learn more!